
Victory over Death

Members of the Corinthian congregation denied the future resurrection of the righteous. Paul responded by stressing the necessity for resurrection. H…

La Bonne Nouvelle de Dieu

Paul présente son explication la plus détaillée de la “Bonne Nouvelle de Dieu” dans sa lettre aux Églises de Rome. Il a abordé les conflits entre les…

God's Good News

Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the “Good News of God” in his letter to the churches of Rome. At issue were conflicts between Gentile …

L'Esprit Vivifiant

Jésus a déclaré, “L'Esprit rend vivant. La chair ne profite de rien. Les paroles que je vous ai dites, elles sont esprit et elles sont vie.” Sa d…

The Life-Giving Spirit

Jesus declared, “The Spirit makes alive. The flesh profits nothing. The words which I have spoken to you, they are spirit, and they are life.” His st…

He Abolished Death

Paul responded to false teachings about the resurrection of believers in his second letter to Timothy. Certain voices in the Church were denying this…

Resurrection Power

In the opening thanksgiving of Philippians, Paul prepares his readers for his discussion on going on to perfection in Jesus in Chapter 3, meaning the…

Heirs of the Resurrection

The biblical faith is forward-looking and foundational to its doctrine of salvation is the future resurrection of the righteous dead. That event will…