
Showing posts with the label Temple

Demeure de Dieu

Le Nouveau Testament applique le langage et les images du Temple de la Bible hébraïque au Corps du Christ, l'Habitation du Dieu Vivant. En dehors…

His Habitation in the Spirit

The New Testament applies Temple language and imagery from the Hebrew Bible to the Body of Christ, the Habitation of the Living God. Apart from conta…

L'Assemblée de Dieu

Les références du Nouveau Testament à “l'assemblée” ou “l'église” en français sont basées sur la langue d'Israël lorsque la nation était …

Demeure de Dieu

Mis à part les contacts entre Jésus et l'Église primitive avec les autorités sacerdotales, le Nouveau Testament montre un intérêt minimal pour le…

Bethel, House of God

The Gospel of John presents Jesus as the True House of God and the open way of access to the presence of God. He is the Greater and True Bethel, the …

Greater Tabernacle

The Gospel of John presents Jesus as the place where the glory of God is seen, the Greater and Final Tabernacle in which His presence resides. With t…

The Assembly

New Testament references to the “assembly” or “church” in English are based on the language of Israel when the nation was assembled before Yahweh for…

Worship in Spirit

Jesus revealed the proper form and location for worshipping the Father to a woman in Samaria. With the advent of the Messiah, concepts and traditions…

Stephen Bears Witness

Under the guidance of the Spirit, Stephen gave eloquent and effective testimony to the leaders of Israel prior to his death. The church experienced c…