
Showing posts with the label Spirit-Baptism

The Last Days

The Last Days, the Age of Fulfillment, began with the Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement of the Son of God. When we hear the term “Last Days” we a…

Tongues on Pentecost

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost was marked by audible and visual signs that caused much consternation. When the Spirit was poured out


On the Day of Pentecost, the time of fulfillment arrived when Jesus bestowed the Gift of the Spirit on his Body, the Church – Acts 2:1-4. The Book of…

Spirit and Mission

Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to his people, empowering them to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to the Nations of the Earth. The Messiah is ident…

Wait in Jerusalem

Jesus commanded his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Spirit, empowering them to be his witnesses - Acts 1:1-11. The Book of Act…

Spirit and Fire

The Spirit of God descended on Jesus, equipping him for his Messianic mission. He would baptize his followers in the Holy Spirit and Fire. John procl…

He Baptizes in Spirit

John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah, the herald of the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
All four gospel accounts apply the passage from …

The Promise of the Father

With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced. The Apostle Paul calls the Gi…

God's Good News

Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the “Good News of God” in his letter to the churches of Rome. At issue were conflicts between Gentile …

Baptized, Filled, Received

When describing the receipt of the Spirit, the Book of Acts applies several Greek verbs, including “baptize,” “receive,” “filled,” “given,” and “came…

Earnest of the Inheritance

Israel’s possession of Canaan was an earlier stage in God’s redemptive plan, which always envisioned something larger than Israel or a small plot of …

Life through His Spirit

In his Letter to the Romans, Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the Gospel. His purpose was to deal with conflicts between Gentile and Je…

One Spirit, One People

The Apostle Paul is adamant. There no longer can be “Jew or Gentile” for disciples of Jesus. The old distinctions are inappropriate among the One Peo…

Promise of the Spirit

The Gift of the Spirit is one of the blessings of Abraham promised by God for the nations and the children of the Patriarch. The Apostle Paul referre…

Spirit and Resurrection

The Gift of the Spirit is the ‘first fruits’ of the bodily resurrection and a foretaste of the promised New Creation. The Apostle Paul presents Abrah…

Evidence of the Spirit

The Gift of the Spirit demonstrates beyond question who belongs to the covenant community of Jesus, and who does not. In the assemblies of Galatia, “

In Jerusalem

The Book of Acts begins IN JERUSALEM with the Ascension of Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit. It concludes with Paul preaching the Gospel in the…

Spirit and Inheritance

The history of Israel includes national sins that resulted in her expulsion from the Promised Land. However, God foresaw her failures and determined …

The Circumcised Heart

The New Testament links the “Promise of the Spirit” to the “Blessings of Abraham,” the promise that God would bless the nations through the Great Pat…

Spirit of Christ

In Romans, Paul presents the “Gospel” in detail. It is the “power of God for salvation.” God provides salvation through the “faith of Jesus Christ” f…