
Showing posts with the label Last Days

The Last Days

The Last Days, the Age of Fulfillment, began with the Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement of the Son of God. When we hear the term “Last Days” we a…

The Last Days Begin

The outpouring of the Spirit signaled the start of the Last Days, the Era of the Spirit, and the Time of Fulfillment. The application of Joel’s proph…

Signs on the Earth

The prophecy in Joel sets the tone for Acts, including the signs and wonders that accompany the Gospel. Jesus told the disciples to “tarry in Jerusal…

In the Last Days...

The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost signaled the start of the Last Days, the era of the Spirit and time of fulfillment. The applicat…

Tongues in Jerusalem

When the Spirit was poured out on Pentecost, all 120 disciples present in the “upper room” were “filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with …

First Sermon

On the Day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God descended on the 120 followers of Jesus who were gathered in Jerusalem for prayer. The outpouring was acco…