
Showing posts with the label Gospel

The Sign

According to Jesus, the End will not come until the Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations – Matthew 24:14. When the subject…

The Mission

The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations without exception until Jesus returns. Jesus commanded us to a…

Proclaiming the Good News

Jesus charged his followers with announcing his message to all nations. He summarized it as the “Good News of the Kingdom of God.” The rule of God wi…

God's Good News

Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the “Good News of God” in his letter to the churches of Rome. At issue were conflicts between Gentile …

To the Ends of the Earth

The Good News of Jesus Christ and his victory over death offers hope, life, and salvation to men and women of every nation. God's covenant promis…

Spiritual Power

Jesus performed miracles, exorcised demons, and taught with great authority, often attracting large crowds. Nevertheless, his contemporaries failed t…

Message and Mission

The Gospel proclaimed by Jesus is NOT about reforming society or fixing governments. His message summons all men and women to repent and join an enti…

In His Name

In the book of Acts, converts are baptized in water not long after receiving the Gospel. The process of conversion includes repentance, faith in the …