
Showing posts with the label Death

Reversing Death's Sentence

The Gospel is the “power of God for salvation.” He provides life and deliverance through the “faith of Jesus Christ” for everyone who responds to the…

Victory over Death

The arrival of Jesus at the end of the age will mean the resurrection and the end of the Last Enemy, namely, Death - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. Certain …

Jesus Abolished Death

Paul reminded Timothy of the resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death since false teachers were denying the future resurrection of believers

Heirs of the Resurrection

The biblical faith is forward-looking and foundational to its doctrine of salvation is the future resurrection of the righteous dead. That event will…

Spirit of Christ

In Romans, Paul presents the “Gospel” in detail. It is the “power of God for salvation.” God provides salvation through the “faith of Jesus Christ” f…