
Showing posts with the label Baptism

Tongues in Ephesus

On Pentecost, the church received the gift of the Spirit, an event accompanied by the sound “like a rushing might wind” and what appeared to be “tong…

Tongues in Caesarea

In Acts, all converts repent, are baptized in water, and receive the Spirit, but not necessarily in that order. Likewise, when the disciples received…

Tongues in Samaria

In Samaria, something about the gift of the Spirit impressed Simon the Magician, but did the gift’s recipients speak in tongues? Saul of Tarsus began…

In His Name

In the book of Acts, converts are baptized in water not long after receiving the Gospel. The process of conversion includes repentance, faith in the …

To Samaria

The Book of Acts documents how the gospel first came to Samaria. After the martyrdom of Stephen, Saul of Tarsus began persecuting the fledgling churc…