

Recommended Books
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit, by James D.G. Dunn - (Westminster John Knox Press; Ex-seminary Library edition [January 1, 1970]) - Amazon link.
  • The Acts of the Apostles, by James D.G. Dunn - (Eerdmans, September 3, 2016) - Amazon link.
  • The Book of Acts, by F.F. Bruce - (New International Commentary on the New Testament) - Amazon link.
  • Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free, by F.F. Bruce - (Eerdmans, Illustrated edition, March 3, 2000) - Amazon link.
  • God's Empowering Presence, by Gordon Fee - (Baker Academic; Reprint edition, April 5, 2012) - Amazon link.
  • Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, by Gordon Fee - (Baker Academic; Reprint edition, September 1, 1994) - Amazon link.
{NOTE: Links to Amazon are provided for your convenience. We receive no commissions or recognition from Any reputable bookseller can order these books for you.}

Bible Software
  • E-Sword - (Software study aids for Microsoft Windows operating system - basic package free with lots of user-supplied add-ons)
  • WordSearch - (Basic version free with several Bible versions. Many classic Christian works and commentaries may be added for no additional charge)
  • - (Multiple resources for download)
  • Bible Soft - (Light version is available to download free with limited reference works)
  • InWORD - Bible Study Software for Windows, Android, or IOS

Online Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Online Bible Commentaries

Christian Artwork

Read the Bible Online

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