[Click on the title below to open an article]
- Une Communauté d'Alliance - {Télécharger le PDF} - (Par sa Mort et sa Résurrection, Jésus a formé une communauté d'alliance - Un Homme nouveau-basée sur la foi en lui - Éphésiens 2: 11-22)
- Un Seul Esprit, Un Seul Peuple - {Télécharger le PDF} - (Par sa Mort et sa Résurrection, Jésus a formé une communauté d'alliance - “Un Seul Homme Nouveau” - basée sur la foi en lui - Éphésiens 2: 11-22)
- L'Assemblée de Dieu - {Télécharger le PDF} - (Le terme “assemblée” ou ‘ekklesia’ dans le Nouveau Testament est dérivé de l'Assemblée de Yahweh réunie pour le culte dans la Bible hébraïque)
- Notre Mission - {Télécharger le PDF} - (La mission de l'Église est de proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu à toutes les nations sans exception jusqu'au retour de Jésus)
- Esprit et Mission - {Télécharger le PDF} - (Jésus donne le Saint-Esprit à son peuple, lui donnant le pouvoir de proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle de son Royaume aux Nations de la Terre)
- Le Signe de la Fin - {Télécharger le PDF} - (Selon Jésus, la Fin ne viendra pas tant que l'Évangile du Royaume de Dieu n'aura pas été proclamé à toutes les nations - Matthieu 24: 14)
- La Demeure de Dieu - {Télécharger le PDF} - (Le Nouveau Testament applique le langage et les images du Temple de la Bible hébraïque au Corps du Christ, l'Habitation du Dieu Vivant)
- Proclaiming the Good News - {PDF Copy} - (The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom and Salvation to all Nations until the moment Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14)
- The Sign - {PDF Copy} - (According to Jesus, the End will not come until the Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations – Matthew 24:14)
- One Spirit, One People - {PDF Copy} - (By his death, Jesus formed one covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him, not ethnicity or nationality – Ephesians 2:11-22)
- To the Ends of the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (The Gospel of the Kingdom announced by Jesus offers salvation and life to all men and women of every nation and people)
- Spirit and Mission - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to his people, empowering them to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to the Nations of the Earth)
- The Full Number - {PDF Copy} - (Between the Ascension and the outpouring of the Spirit, the Apostles prayed and appointed Matthias to complete their number - Acts 1:12-26)
- Signs on the Earth - (The prophecy in the book of Joel sets the tone for Acts, including the signs and wonders that accompany the gospel) - {PDF Copy}
- With Boldness - (In response to threats from the high priests, the young Assembly was filled with great boldness of speech by the Spirit – Acts 4:5-31) - {PDF Copy}
- My Witnesses - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit equips the Assembly to bear witness to Jesus, especially concerning his Resurrection from the dead)
- Stephen Bears Witness - (Under the guidance of the Spirit, and in fulfillment of Scripture, Stephen gives eloquent testimony to the leaders of Israel) - {PDF Copy}
- The Mission - (The mission of the church between now and Christ’s return is to announce the Good News of his Kingdom to all nations – Matthew 24:14) - {PDF Copy}
- Bethel, House of God - (Jesus is the true and only way of access to the Father, the Greater Bethel, and the House of God – John 1:47-50) - {PDF Copy}
- Worship in the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (In Samaria, Jesus revealed that the presence of God no longer is limited to geographic locations or man-made structures – John 4:20-24)
- Message and Mission - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God in every inhabited corner of the Earth – Romans 3:22-30)
- The Assembly - {PDF Copy} - (The term “assembly” or ‘ekklésia’ in the New Testament is derived from the Assembly of Yahweh gathered for worship recorded in the Hebrew Bible)
- Spiritual Power - {PDF Copy} - (The power and wisdom of God are revealed in the proclamation of a Messiah who was crucified on Calvary)
- A Female Apostle? - {PDF Copy} - (It is unclear whether Paul’s reference to a Junias who was of note among the apostles was a man or a woman)
- His Habitation in the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament applies Temple language and imagery from the Hebrew Bible to the Body of Christ, the Habitation of the Living God)
- Food and Holy Days - {PDF Copy} - (Paul argues for tolerance on matters of food and the observation of holy days – The shadows now find their fulfillment in Jesus)
- Ignoring Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (The Apostle Paul was quite serious when he wrote that elders and ministers must be above reproach both in and without the Assembly)
- Distributions of the Spirit - (Followers of Jesus must cling to the word of the Son that has been confirmed by sign, wonders, and the impartations of the Holy Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
- He Baptizes in Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah who is the Herald of the Kingdom of God and the one who baptizes in the Spirit – Mark 1:4-8)
- In His Name - {PDF Copy} - (In Acts, converts to the new faith were baptized in water, and in the name of Jesus Christ no long after conversion)
- To You is the Promise - (The gift of the Spirit is for all men and women who repent and are baptized in Jesus' name, all in fulfillment of the promise of the Father) - {PDF Copy}
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[Waterfall Photo by Andrey Andreyev on Unsplash] |