The Greater Lawgiver
Jesus is the Greater Moses who interprets the Law and the Prophets and brings the promises to fulfillment. The
life, words, and deeds of Jesus echo key events in the History of Israel. He brings
the things God began in the past to their intended fulfillment. He is the Greater
Lawgiver foreshadowed in the story of the Exodus from Egypt. By
presenting parallels between Moses and Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew
prepares us for the teachings of Christ, especially as represented in his ‘Sermon
on the Mount’.
Moses delivered the Law to
Israel at Mount Sinai. Likewise, on the “Mount,” Jesus pronounced his
definitive interpretations of the “Law and the Prophets” in his ‘Sermon
on the Mount’.
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[High Mountain - Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash] |
After the “wise men” told King Herod of their journey to find the one “born King of the Jews,” the duplicitous ruler asked them to inform him when they identified the child so he could pay homage also. However, the “wise men” were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, for he intended to kill the child.
Likewise, when Moses was born,
the “King of Egypt” ordered the “Hebrew midwives” to kill all
male infants when they were born, but they “feared God and
did not as the king of Egypt commanded them” - (Exodus
1:17, Matthew
angel warned Joseph to take the infant to Egypt, “for Herod will seek to destroy the child,” which is what the king did when he
ordered the slaughter of all males under the age of two in Bethlehem. Joseph remained
in Egypt until Herod died in fulfillment of the prophecy of Hosea, a
passage applied originally to Israel’s deliverance from Egypt - “Out of Egypt, I called my son” -
(Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-16).
Moses fled Egypt because Pharaoh sought to slay him, and he remained in
Midian until Pharaoh died. Only then did God “hear the groanings of the
children of Israel and remember his covenant with Abraham.” God then sent
Moses back to Egypt to deliver Israel - (Exodus 2:15-25, 3:14).
After his baptism in the Jordan River, the “Spirit led Jesus into
the wilderness to be tested by the Devil.” The temptation as recorded in the
Gospel of Matthew echoes the tests that Israel faced in the wilderness,
only Israel failed each test whereas Jesus overcame them all - (Matthew
The Israelites complained in the wilderness. They missed the “fleshpots
of Egypt.” God responded by sending them “manna” to eat. Moses
reminded the nation years later that God “fed you with
manna <…> that he might make you know that man does not live by bread
only, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh,”
the very passage Jesus quoted to Satan in the wilderness when the Devil tempted
him to turn stones into bread to relieve his hunger - (Exodus 16:3, Deuteronomy
At Massah, the Israelites grumbled about the lack of water. In so
doing, they “tempted Yahweh.” Before entering Canaan, Moses reminded
them of the incident when he warned Israel, “Do not tempt
Yahweh your God as you tempted him in Massah.” Jesus cited the same
passage when Satan challenged him to throw himself down from the “pinnacle
of the Temple” - (Exodus 17:1-7, Deuteronomy 6:16).
When the Devil offered Jesus political power, he responded by again
citing the words of Moses to Israel - “Beware lest you forget Yahweh
who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt. You shall fear Yahweh your God,
and you shall serve him” - (Deuteronomy 6:12-13).
Jesus returned to Galilee from the wilderness and began proclaiming the
Good News of the Kingdom of God. At that time, “great
multitudes from Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, and Judea” started
to follow him - (Matthew 4:18-25).
The geographic names indicate the crowds included Gentiles and Jews. Galilee
is called “Galilee of the nations” in Matthew, and the
description of the “multitudes” parallels the “mixed multitude”
that “came up with the children of Israel” when God brought them out of
Egypt “with signs and wonders.”
So, also, many members of the “multitude” in Galilee followed Jesus
because of his miraculous healings and exorcisms rather than his teachings and call
for repentance and discipleship. “You seek me because you ate of the
loaves, and were filled” – (Exodus 12:38, Deuteronomy 26:8, John
The background from Exodus and Deuteronomy prepares us for the first major block of Christ’s teachings in Chapters 5 through 7 of Matthew. After “seeing the multitudes,” he led his disciples “up onto the Mountain” where he sat down and began to teach them.
The Greek text uses the definite article or “the” with “mountain.”
It was “THE mountain.” The text does not provide any information about
its identity. This is a verbal allusion to the story of Moses when he “ascended
the mount” at Sinai.
The Gospel of Matthew wants us to hear these echoes of the life
of Moses. While Israel was encamped on the plain, Moses “went up to Yahweh”
and received the “ten words” inscribed on the stone tablets. In
the Greek Septuagint version of Exodus, Moses “ascended onto
the mount” (anebé eis to oros). The same clause is found in the
Greek text of Matthew when it describes Jesus as he “ascended onto
the Mount” (anebé eis to oros).
When Moses ascended the mountain and received
the commandments of God, only Aaron accompanied him. Not even the sanctified
priests were allowed on the mountain – “Let
not the priests and the people break through to ascend
up unto Yahweh, lest he break forth upon them.” - (Exodus 12:12-25).
So likewise, having ascended the “Mount”
as Moses did, Jesus taught the words of God to his closest disciples. However, he
went beyond anything Moses did by giving the definitive interpretations of the Law’s
statutes and the will of his Father in what Christians today call the ‘Sermon
on the Mount’.
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- Fulfilling the Law - (Jesus came to fulfill what was promised and foreshadowed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Law, and the Prophets)
- Spirit and Covenant - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, the first fruits of the New Creation, and the gathering of the nations in fulfillment of the covenant)
- The Circumcised Heart - (The promise of the Spirit is integral to the redemption of humanity and the Covenant of God with His people)
- La Loi et les Prophètes - (Jésus est venu accomplir ce qui avait été promis et annoncé dans les Écritures hébraïques, la Loi et les Prophètes)
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