The Last Days Begin
The outpouring of the Spirit signaled the start of the Last Days, the Era of the Spirit, and the Time of Fulfillment. The application of Joel’s prophecy to the events of the Day of
Pentecost links the initial outpouring of the Spirit to the start of the “Last
Days.” The activity of the Spirit is essential for understanding the rapid
spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem to the center of the Roman Empire as
documented in the Book of Acts. This process must continue until the “arrival”
or ‘Parousia’ (παρουσια) of Jesus.
Before the disciples
began proclaiming the Gospel, Jesus commanded them to wait
in Jerusalem until he “sent the promise of my Father upon
you.” The receipt of the Spirit would equip them to become his witnesses to
“the uttermost parts of the Earth.”
After the outpouring
of the Spirit, the Gospel began to move inexorably from Jerusalem to the
eastern regions of the Mediterranean basin, and by the end of the Book, the
Apostle Paul is found in the City of Rome sharing the message with all who
would listen - (Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:6-11, 2:38-39).
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[Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash] |
The disciples waited until the Spirit arrived on Pentecost when the Feast Day had “fully come.” This term translates a compound Greek verb signifying the filling of something to the full, to the very brim (‘sumplηroō’ [συμπληροω] – Strong’s Concordance, #G4845). The fulfillment of what the annual harvest festival foreshadowed had begun with the bestowal of the Gift of the Spirit on the young Church – (Acts 2:1-4).
When Jewish pilgrims
visiting Jerusalem were confounded by the sights and sounds that accompanied the
Spirit’s arrival, Peter declared, “These men are not drunk, but this
is that which was spoken through the prophet Joel.” In the Greek clause, an
emphatic pronoun is found on his lips. This very thing
witnessed by the pilgrims was the outpouring of the Spirit that Joel predicted for
the “Last Days” - (Joel 2:28-32).
Peter quoted Joel
but deviated from the original Hebrew text at key points. First, the Hebrew term
translated as “afterward” became the “Last Days.” Second, he added,
“they shall prophesy” after the promise of the Spirit for “servants
and handmaidens.” Third, he added the term “signs” and paired it with
“wonders.” Fourth, the “great and terrible Day of Yahweh”
became “The great and manifest Day of the Lord.” Fifth, Peter
dropped the last half of Joel 2:32 (“For
in mount Zion and in Jerusalem, there shall be those
that escape, and among the remnant those whom Yahweh calls”).
Peter focused on
Jesus in his sermon and what God had done through him. He was a man “pointed out of God by mighty works and wonders
and signs,” but he also was “delivered
by lawless men” for execution on the Roman Cross.
could not be held by the “pangs of death.” Just as David foretold, God
raised him from the dead and seated him at his “right hand.” This “same
Jesus” also received the “Promise of the Spirit” which he poured out
on his Assembly, thereby demonstrating that God “made Jesus both Lord and Messiah”
– (Acts
Peter’s description
of “wonders and signs” performed by Jesus is a verbal link to the
prophecy in Joel. The predicted signs and wonders that
were expected in the “Last Days” began in the ministry of Jesus, and following
his Ascension, he “received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit,
that which you see and hear.”
At the end of his
sermon, Peter once more linked the Gift of the Spirit to the prophecy recorded
in the Book of Joel when he summoned his audience to
- “Peter said to them: Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit; for to you is the promise and to your children, and to all them who are afar off, as many soever as the Lord our God shall call” - (Acts 2:37-39).
He identified the Gift
as the “promise” given to Israel, but also one intended for “all that
are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Likewise, the Prophet
Joel promised that “whoever calls on the name of the Lord will
be saved,” an invitation to all men. God never intended to limit salvation
to Israel or the Gift of the Spirit to that first generation of believers.
Joel foretold the coming
of “wonders in the heavens and in the
earth before the great and terrible Day of Yahweh.”
Peter added the term “signs” or ‘semeion’ and paired it with
“wonders” (‘teras’).
Both terms occur
together in Acts, beginning with the final verses of Chapter 2 (“Many wonders and signs were
done by the Apostles” – Acts 2:43).
The “wonders” predicted by Joel began on Pentecost with the “sound like a rushing wind,” “tongues of fire,” and the disciples “speaking in tongues,” and they continued through the evangelistic efforts of the Church as recorded in Acts. The Greek terms translated as “wonders” and “signs” are thematic for the Book, as they describe the Spirit’s activity through believers, especially the Apostles- (Acts 4:30, 5:12, 6:8, 8:13).
Peter ended his
quotation at the midpoint of the original passage from Joel - “All
who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” He did not include
the original ethnic and geographic limitations of the
prophecy (“For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there
shall be those that escape”).
No longer would salvation
be limited to Jerusalem, the Temple, or the remnant of Israel.
Instead, salvation and the Gift of the Spirit would be given to everyone who
responded to the Gospel with repentance and faith, including “all those who are afar off… to the uttermost
parts of the Earth.”
Thus, the Book of
Acts has universalized Joel’s prophecy. Its fulfillment commenced on the
Day of Pentecost with the initial outpouring of the Spirit, but it is a process
that will continue until the arrival of the “Day of the Lord.”
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- To the Nations Also - (Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the promise to bless all nations in Abraham. Christ is the Patriarch’s Heir and “Seed”)
- My Witnesses - (The Gift of the Spirit equips the Assembly to bear witness to Jesus, especially concerning his Resurrection from the dead)
- Wait in Jerusalem - (Jesus commanded his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Spirit, empowering them to be his witnesses on the earth- Acts 1:1-11)
- Début des Derniers Jours - (L'effusion de l'Esprit a marqué le début des Derniers Jours, l'Ère de l'Esprit et le Temps de l'Accomplissement)
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