Tongues in Ephesus
On Pentecost, the church received the gift of the Spirit, an event accompanied by the sound “like a rushing might wind” and what appeared to be “tongues of fire.” The 120 disciples began to “speak in other tongues” as the Spirit gave them “utterance.” These phenomena were “seen and heard” by many Jewish pilgrims who were present to celebrate the feast of Pentecost.
In Caesarea, Peter witnessed the Holy Spirit fill Cornelius and
his family while he was still speaking. This was confirmed when the Gentiles “spoke
and tongues and magnified God,” confirming they had received the same gift
as the 120 disciples did on Pentecost.
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[Ephesus - Photo by Deniz Demirci on Unsplash] |
Now, in Ephesus, upon meeting several followers of John the Baptist, Paul queried them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” Apparently, he detected something deficient in their faith that led him to this question. Precisely what that was the passage does not tell us – (Acts 19:1-7).
John’s disciples told Paul they knew nothing about the Holy
Spirit. This caused him to inquire concerning their baptism, and to this, they declared
they were baptized by John.
Paul explained that Jesus is the “Coming One” referred to
by John, the Messiah who would come after him and “baptize in spirit and
fire” – (Matthew 3:11-12, Acts 13:23-25).
Paul then baptized them “in the name of the Lord Jesus.” This
is consistent with earlier accounts in Acts where new converts were
immersed in water in the name of Jesus – (Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:44-48).
In this case, the men received the gift of the Spirit AFTER
water baptism. By itself, this information could suggest the gift is only given
after a convert is baptized. However, in Caesarea, the Gentiles received it BEFORE
their baptism.
Next, Paul laid hands on them, the “Holy
Spirit came upon them,” and they “spoke in tongues and prophesied.”
That is the end of the story as it is told in Acts.
This might suggest the Spirit is received
through the laying on of hands by an apostle. However, the original 120
disciples, including the twelve apostles, received the gift on the Day of Pentecost
without anyone laying on them.
Paul himself received the Spirit and healing
through the prayer and “laying on of hands” by Ananias, a man nowhere identified
as an apostle – (Acts 9:1-18).
Moreover, the Gentiles in Caesarea received
the gift WHILE Peter was still preaching and BEFORE anyone had an opportunity
to lay hands on them. Thus, while the “laying on of hands” whether by an
apostle or anyone else may be important in some instances, it is not a
requirement for receiving the Spirit.
Obviously, the twelve disciples of John did speak in tongues after they received the Spirit. Since Paul
conversed with them BEFORE they received the gift, “tongues” were
not used for translation purposes. Whether they spoke in “known” or “unknown”
tongues the passage does not say.
This is the only instance where we read of individuals “prophesying” when they receive the Spirit. The passage does not say whether “tongues” or the ability to prophesy was the “sign” of the gift, it only tells us what phenomena did occur when these men received it. What Paul’s reaction was to these manifestations we do not know.
This is the only case in Acts
where the gift of the Spirit is accompanied by prophecy. However, in his sermon
on the Day of Pentecost, Peter quotes the prophet Joel that, in the “last
days,” God will pour out His
Spirit “on all flesh,” and one result will be that “your
sons and your daughters shall prophesy” – (Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17-21).
Prophecy exercised by members
of the covenant community is one of the predicted “wonders in the
heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath” that characterizes the activity
of the Spirit among God’s people and the “last days.”
As in Caesarea, and on the Day
of Pentecost, the passage leaves no doubt that the receipt of the Spirit by
these men resulted in their “speaking in tongues.” What they said in
tongues or revealed in their “prophesying” we do not know.
For the narrative in Acts,
apparently, such questions are not relevant. What the manifestations do confirm
is that the followers of John received the Spirit. What we can conclude from this
is straightforward - when they received the Holy Spirit, they “spoke in
tongues and prophesied.”
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